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My own survival I take as proof of divine providence - and
should this brief note reach your hands, I shall claim no
less than the benevolent intervention of Gilean himself!
Of course, Your Grace, as always I press forward
without complaint, but - by the GODS, Excellency! - the
summits that have loomed above and below me! The
thundering avalanches spewing their deadly weight across
my path a dozen times a day! And this, along a route
imperiled by monstrous bears - beasts that could tear the
limbs from a man without apparent effort, jaws that could
snap off a head....
Forgive me, Lord. My nerves are not at their best.
Truth to tell, we saw no bears. Still, the knowledge of their
presence, you may be sure, robbed me of even a single
decent hour of sleep.
Now I have reached this cheesemaker's place, and before
me are spread the scrolls of the Khalkist dwarves. As soon
as my hands thaw out enough to unroll the parchment, I
shall continue my perusal. (In the morning, hopefully, the
sun will come out and, by its pale heat, I may manage to
save a few of my fingers.)
In the meantime, I await this humble dairyman, for he
has ventured out into the night. He promises to bring me
something of interest