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. I have been negligent in the performance of my
evening prayers."
The cleric smiled. "I commend your dedication, but this
is a matter of justice. The laws of His Holiness and the
great Paladine have been broken. Surely you see that this is
of much greater import than missing one day of prayer?"
Arryl hesitated, then nodded. The cleric had a point. The
law had been broken and Tremaine was a witness. Likely
they wanted him to testify against the two.
"Come, then, Sir Knight," said the cleric pleasantly.
"Walk beside me. It is not often that we have one of our
Solamnic brothers among us."
VERY UNDERSTANDABLE, Tremaine thought. When
he left Istar tomorrow, he certainly would never be back.
The city guardsmen suddenly closed in around him and
jostled him roughly. Angered at their effrontery, Arryl
started to reach for his sword, then reminded himself that
not only was he not the prisoner, but that his sword was
back in his quarters.
To his astonishment, the guardsmen took him to the
Temple of Paladine.
"Why are we here?" Tremaine asked. "I would have
thought felons would be taken to the headquarters of the
city guard."
The emaciated priest, who still had not introduced
himself, gave Arryl a look that said that only a foreigner
would ask such a question