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. She's usually open at this
hour," and then he left. Woose isn't a human, but he has lots
of steel coins from his mining business, and maybe Good-
wife Filster forgives him for not being human on account of
Five more people came by whose names I've forgotten,
and they left, and then Goodwife Filster came out and
mumbled to herself and looked around and glared at me
and said, "What did you tell those last two people who
were here just now?"
And I said, "That you weren't open yet," and she got a
look on her face that reminded me of the Wylmeens' dog
when it bit me on the finger, and she called me a name that
meant I liked my mother more than normal people were
meant to, which was silly because I don't even remember
my mother, and Goodwife Filster grabbed me by my robes
and brought me here to the magistrate to be hanged.
We had to wait until Jarvis, the magistrate, could get
out of bed and find his spectacles, and he was as tall and
thin as ever, and his black hair was all messed up from
sleeping on it. He combed out his hair and big moustache,
then looked at me and said, "You again?" and looked sad,
probably on account of this being the fifth time this year he
would have to throw me in jail for being a public nuisance,
which Jarvis says is really just a way to let everyone cool
off and forget whatever I had done so they wouldn't tie me
to a rock and drop me on a kelp farm, as Jarvis puts it,
which sounds interesting but which I don't understand, since
that would mean I was underwater