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. But old Sharu's
notes were in his lab, and there was something more in them - way of
replacing part of the body with energy, really packing it in. Very
dangerous. Easily fatal. But if it works you get something special, a kind
of superman, a sort of living Trump."
"I've heard that term before, Luke. . . ."
"Probably," he replied. "My father undertook the process, with himself
as the subject-"
"That's it!" I said. "Corwin claimed that Brand had become some sort of
living Trump. Made it almost impossible to nail him."
Luke gritted his teeth.
"Sorry," I said. "But that's where I heard about it. So that was the
secret of Brand's power. . . . "
Luke nodded.
"I get the impression this Mask thinks he knows how it was done and is
getting ready to try it on your brother."
"Shit!" I observed. "That's all I need. Jurt as a magical being or a
natural force-or whatever the hell. This is serious. How much do you know
about the process?"
"Oh, I know most of it, in theory. I wouldn't mess with it, though. I
think it takes away something of your humanity. You don't much give a shit
about other people or human values afterward. I think that's part of what
happened to my father."
What could I say? Maybe that part was true and maybe it wasn't. I was
sure Luke wanted to believe in some external cause for his father's