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. It was too dark to view a Trump or to
distinguish enough of the passing scene to commence a shadow shift.
I felt we were drifting now, rather than falling, at a rate that might
permit us to land intact. Should it seem otherwise when we neared the
bottom, then a possible means of further slowing our descent came to mind-an
adaptation of one of the spells I still carried with me.
However, these considerations were not worth much should we be eaten on
the way down-a distinct possibility, unless of course our pursuer were not
all that hungry, in which case it might only dismember us. Consequently, it
might become necessary to try speeding up to stay ahead of the beast-which
of course would cause us to smash when we hit.
Decisions, decisions.
Luke stirred slightly upon my shoulder. I hoped he wasn't about to come
around, as I didn't have time to mess with a sleep-spell and I wasn't really
in a good position to slug him again. That pretty much left Frakir.
But if he were borderline, then choking might serve to rouse him rather
than send him back-and I did want him in decent shape. He knew too many
things I didn't, things I now needed.
We passed through a slightly brighter area, and I was able to
distinguish the walls of the shaft for the first time and to note that they
were covered with graffiti in a language that I did not understand