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Danm! And me constrained to rush her out to cover for Coral. If she would,
I'd be happy to cover her afterward. Or any other interesting position
Begmans might go in for. I'd better ask quickly, though, I decided. A couple
of minutes more and it would be very undiplomatic to begin talking about her
sister. Today was just a bad day when it came to timing.
"Before we get too involved here," I said, "I've got to ask a favor of
"Ask me anything," she said.
"I think there's going to be a delay in turning up your sister," I
explained, "and I'd hate to worry your father. Do you know whether he's sent
to her rooms yet, or been by them, to check on her?"
"I don't believe so. He strolled off with Gerard and Mr. Roth after
dinner. I don't think he's returned to his apartment yet. "
"Could you possibly find a way of giving him the impression that she
hasn't strayed? Buy me some time to find out where she's off to?"
She looked amused.
"And those things you haven't told me . . . ?"
"I'll give you the whole story if you'll do this for me."
She traced my jawline with her index finger.
"All right," she said then. "We have a deal. Don't go away."
She rose, crossed the room, and passed out into the hall, leaving the
door a few inches ajar. Why hadn't I had a nice normal affair since Julia?
The last woman I'd made love to had actually been under the control of that
strange body-shifting entity