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. Since there is a possibility that they could note our approach
along the lower hallway, the upper one would be best for all our purposes."
"All right," I agreed. "Ghost, can you put us back a distance in that
upper hallway?"
The circle spread, tilted, rose, stood high above us for a moment, then
"You are . . . already . . . there," Ghost said, as my vision swam and
the circle of light passed over us, head to toe. "Good-bye."
He was right. We were on target this time. We stood in a long, dim
corridor, its walls of dark, hewn stone. Its one end was lost in darkness.
Its other led into an area of illumination. The ceiling was of rough
timbers, the heavy cross-beams softened by curtains and plumes of
spider-webbing. A few blue wizard globes flickered within wall brackets,
shedding a pale light that indicated they were near the ends of their
spells. Others had already gone dead. Near the brighter end of the hallway
some of these had been replaced by lanterns. From overhead came the sounds
of small things scurrying within the ceiling. The place smelled damp, musty.
But the air had an electric quality to it, as though we were breathing
ozone, with an edge-of event jitteriness permeating everything.
I shifted to Logrus Sight, and immediately there was a considerable
brightening. Lines of force like glowing yellow cables ran everywhere