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. Major Mohini"-
Quong bowed to Rowan--"searches for names having to do with dogs and, finding one, produces a very strong mental image of a dog in her mind, which is picked up by our small friend."
"I can track the ship, Xris," Rowan offered. "It is a Verdiclass vessel, the kind typically used for research or short hops between planets. It has no hyperspace capabilities, no weapons, no shields. A long-range spaceplane could catch it in, say, eight hours."
Xris took a drag on the twist. "A research vessel. You mean the kind colleges use to go out and chart star systems and study insect life on other planets and all that?"
"That would seem so, given the name," Rowan responded.
Xris snorted. "Then this makes no sense. What the hell are a bunch of egghead professors doing with Raoul? Writing a thesis on the correct shoes to wear with knee-high velvet pants after five?"
"Judging by what they did to the Little One, my friend, this is not a joking matter," Quong observed gravely. "The beating he took was a professional job. They intended to kill him."
"Yeah, I know. I found him, remember?" Xris considered, then made up his mind. "Very well. I'm going to pay a little visit to this Canis Major Research I."
"We're with you, Xris," said Jamil. He looked uncomfortable. "And, uh, about what I brought up earlier, about turning ourselves in. I didn't mean--"
"Forget it