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. We intend to get him back. Shut your engines down and prepare for boarders."
The Canis Major had no response.
"But they've done it," Harry reported, studying his instrumentation. "They've shut down their main engines. They're dead in space. Computer, how long before they can start up again?"
"Main engine startup on a Verdi-class requires six hours to recycle."
"They won't be going anywhere soon," Harry said in satisfaction.
"We have shut down our engines," came the captain's grim-sounding voice. "We have no choice. We consider this a criminal action. We feel obliged to inform you that we have activated our automatic distress signal. All vessels in our vicinity are required by law to respond." Xris glanced at Rowan.
"We know we don't have to worry about the Royal Navy," she said. "They're under orders not to respond to distress signals. But a civilian vessel could and probably would. At least, they'd come take a look." "How long?" Xris asked.
She shrugged. "This is a busy secton A lot of traffic. But I didn't see anything in the vicinity when I was tracking this ship, so I'd guess we have at least an hour."
"It shouldn't last that long. Not with a bunch of professors on board. Take us in for docking, Harry. Can everyone hear me?"
Xris stood up, climbed the ladder to the living quarters. The cockpit of a long-range Schiavona fighter-bomber is located below the spaceplane's main deck area, separated by a metal railing, accessible down a four-ranged steel ladder