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. Frank Baum. And the Wonderland invented by the Reverend Mr.
Dodgson to please Alice. And other places known only to fiction. Hilda
discovered what none of us had noticed before because we were inside it: The
World is Myth. We create it ourselves-and we change it ourselves. A truly strong
myth maker, such as Homer, such as Baum, such as the creator of Tarzan, creates
substantial and lasting worlds ... whereas the fiddlin', unimaginative liars and
fabulists shape nothing new and their tedious dreams are forgotten. On this
observed fact, Richard-not religion but verifiable fact-is based the work of the
Circle of Ouroboros. Hilda?"
"Only a short time until we should break for lunch. Richard, do you have
any comment now?"
"You won't like it."
LAzarus said, "Spill it, Bub."
"I not only will not risk my life on wordy nonsense, I will do all that I
can to keep Hazel from doing so. If you really want, and need, the programs and
memories of that out-of-date Lunar computer there are at least two better ways
to get them."
"Keep talking."
"One way simply uses money. Set up a front organization, an academic
fakery. Funnel money into Galileo University as grants, and walk in the front
door of the computer room, and take what you want. The other way is to use
enough force to do a real job. Don't send an elderly married couple to try to
watergate it