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. Come go dinosaur hunting with me again. Time spent in the Mesozoic won't
affect your quest; the Overlord will never know you're away. That's the greatest
beauty of timejumping."
"I would know that I was away. But I do thank you. I enjoyed that hunt." He
bowed and left.
Dr. Harshaw said quietly, "There goes real nobility. When at last he
destroys the Overlord, he will be erased. He knows it. It doesn't stop him."
"Why must he be erased?" I demanded.
"Eh? Colonel, I know that this is new to you... but you are, or have been,
a fabulist yourself, have you not?"
"Still am, as far as I know. Finished a long one and sent it off to my
agent just ten days ago. Must get back to work soon- got a wife to support."
"Then you know that, for plot purposes, especially in adventure stories,
heroes and villains come in complementary pairs. Each is necessary to the
"Yes, but- Look, lay it on the bar. This man who just left is truly the
character that Hazel-and her son, Roger Stone- created for their series The
Scourge of the SpacewaysT'
"Yes. Hazel and her son created him. Sterling knows it. Look, sir, all of
us are fictions, someone's fabulist dreams.
But usually we do not know it. John Sterling knows it, and is strong enough
to stand up to it. He knows his role and his destiny; he accepts it."
"He doesn't have to be erased