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. And suddenly
the memory of his uncle came to him. From where? Palin
had no idea, Raistlin had died long before Palin was born.
Perhaps it was from the staff ... or maybe he was recalling
some tale of his father's and it had become real to him now
in his weakened state. Whatever the reason, Palin saw
Raistlin clearly, lying on the ground in a dismal, rainswept
forest. Huddled in his red robes, the mage was coughing,
coughing until it seemed he could never draw breath again.
Palin saw blood upon the ashen lips, he saw the frail body
wracked by pain. But he heard him speak no word of
complaint. Softly, Palin approached his uncle. The
coughing ceased, the spasm eased. Lifting his head, Raistlin
looked directly into Palin's eyes. . . .
Bowing his head in shame, Palin drew the staff nearer to
him, resting his cheek upon its cool, smooth wood and,
relaxing, fell into sleep. But he thought he heard, in the
final moment before he slipped over the edge of
unconsciousness, the voice of the dwarf, and he thought he
saw a head peering into the lean-to.
"I've a deck of cards here, lads. . . . What do you say?
High card sleeps here tonight? . . ."
The Isle of Gargath
Both brothers knew that Tanin was quite capable of
carrying out his threat to take over the ship, though just
how he was going to force the gnomes to sail it was another
matter entirely