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. During the night, the gnomes, just as firmly
determined to continue the voyage, began to organize a
supply of weapons. Since most of these weapons were of
gnomish design, there was every possibility that they would
do as much or more damage to the wielder as to the
intended victim, and thus the outcome of the battle - two
warriors and a mage against numerous gnomes and a dwarf
- was open to question.
The question was, fortunately, never answered. The
next morning the brothers were awakened by a tremendous
crash, the heart-stopping sound of splintering wood, and
the somewhat belated cry of "Land Ho!"
Staggering to their feet, they made their way out of the
lean-to and across the deck, not an easy task since it was
listing steeply to port.
"What is it? What's happened? Where are we?"
demanded Tanin, rubbing his eyes.
"We've arrived!" announced Dougan, smoothing his
beard in satisfaction. "Look!" He made a grand, sweeping
gesture toward what was - at this time - the prow. "The Isle
of Gargath."
The brothers looked. At first all they could see was a
confused mass of split sail, dangling ropes, broken beams,
and gnomes waving their hands, arguing furiously, and
shoving each other about