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. One might detect a conspiracy of silence in
his death and that of Flint, but I am generous and far from
such suggestions.
He was tiresome at best, but it is to be said for him that
he was also tiresome at his worst. Receive this soul to
Huma's breast, improbable as he was.
BOTTOM. Caramon. An amiable dunce, he was Armavir's
drinking companion throughout the War of the Lance and
for some time afterward. Though many of Armavir's
exploits with Caramon have been forgotten by both parties,
one of them must have involved the elaborate project
(designed by the gnome and urged on by substantial
quantities of dwarf spirits) of restoring the original Inn of
the Last Home to its original height in a nearby vallenwood.
The project involved a complicated system of pulleys and
winches employing wires of incredible girth and tensile
Needless to say, such an undertaking stirred old memories
in the poet, and with those memories arose a series of
increasingly severe depressions in which Armavir lay face
down on the floor of the inn, paralyzed by spirits and
listening in terror for the sound of distant thunder. The
project was finally abandoned, and remained
unacknowledged in Caramon's rather smug preface to