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. (Could it be that as I say this the water ceases to
rise? An old pulley on the north wall of the cell, in danger
of being submerged only a minute ago, remains dry and
untouched above the surface of the pool - the water is still
and unruffled as onyx - and for the first time I can see my
reflection on the surface!) Raistlin was ... by far the best of
them, a man of uncommon genius, whose break with the
Companions stemmed mostly from his great quest for
knowledge, but also, I trust, from his sense of outrage
when he saw the others begin to cover Armavir's role in the
story (and now the water stands motionless - calm, dark,
and limpid, thanks be to Reorx!).
As a tribute to Raistlin - a genuine tribute, knowing his
understanding and merciful nature - Armavir includes
within this stanza another clue as to the cruel exclusion of
the poet from the CHRONICLES. Line 83,
31. pp. 380-381.
should be noted, for the pun on "stars" takes in the
meaning of "celebrities," and six of the nine celebrities of
the CHRONICLES (I exclude Sturm and Flint and, Dear
Reorx! I exclude Raistlin) have done their best to hide the
"nest of words," the poet who was the birthplace of the