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. The three companies of
mountain dwarves maintained distinct formations, but the
whole column was a tight, disciplined military grouping.
The gully dwarves would never be able to catch them
now, no matter how hard Flint drove them. Admitting de-
feat was bitter medicine. It took all of Flint's willpower not
to collapse dejectedly in the snow. They had come too late
and lost a third of their army in the first day. How had he
ever been so foolish as to think they could win?
Perian elbowed him. "What's that?" she asked.
"What?" He was barely paying attention.
"Look - something's moving in the snow down there!"
she said, pointing in the general direction of the amassed
mountain dwarf troops. "Your eyes are better in this light
than mine - tell me what that fuzzy blob is that's on this side
of the road near the base of the mountain?"
"What?" Flint, despite his dejection, had his interest
piqued. He, too, squinted down the distant, snowy fields
toward the road. He saw a length of rippling snow, a shim-
rhering movement. Was that a leg I just saw? he wondered,
baffled. Was that a pack of snow-covered animals moving
down the slope?
Slowly the mass of movement became visible as many
small, individual forms