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. Flint saw a tightly packed group of
creatures, each snowy white on top. The snow, he finally
realized, was carried atop each of the creatures upon a
shield carried over his head.
"It the Wedgies!" Nomscul shrieked suddenly. Jumping up
and down in his excitement, he slipped on the snow and top-
pled to the ground. "It old trick," he said offhandedly, pick-
ing himself up. "They hide under shields and creep at
"But they'll be slaughtered out there alone and we're too
far away to help them quickly!" Flint exclaimed, clenching
and unclenching his fists in helpless frustration.
"Wait." Perian put a calming hand on Flint's arm, never
taking her eyes from the events below. "The Wedgies have a
chance. The derro don't seem to notice them yet, what with
the snow covering them and the glare."
Stunned, king and queen looked on from a distance with
two-thirds of their troops, as the Creeping Wedgies, now a
rippling mass of shield-and snow-covered Aghar, continued
to eke slowly forward. The Wedgies reached the Passroad
just as the last company of Theiwar marched by, sporting
gray plumes, some thirty feet behind the black-plumed