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. What
firewood Caramon had been able to find was wet with snow
and ice. It was a tribute to the big man's skill in woodslore
that he had been able to coax a flame from it at all. But it
wouldn't last long and there was no wood to replace it when
it was gone.
Peering into the shadows, Amberyl couldn't find the mage
at first, though she could hear his rattling breath and smell
the spicy fragrance of his spell com ponents. Then he
coughed. A bundle of clothes and blankets near the fire
moved, and Amberyl saw a thin hand snake out to clasp
hold of a steaming mug that stood near the blaze. The
fingers trembled, nearly dropping the mug. Hurriedly
kneeling by his side, Amberyl caught hold of it.
"Let me help you," she said. Not waiting for an answer,
she lifted the mug in her hand, then assisted Raistlin to sit.
"Lean on me," she offered, seeing the mage endeavoring
weakly to prop himself up.
"You're not surprised to see me, are you?" she asked.
Raistlin regarded her for a few moments with his flat,
golden eyes, then - with a bitter smile - rested his frail body
against Amberyl's as she settled down beside him. Chilled
as he was, Amberyl could feel that strange warmth emanate
from the thin body