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. What you know as families are
unknown among us. We saw our race begin to dwindle, and
the elders knew that soon it must die out completely. They
were able to establish the VALIN to ensure that our young
people . . . that they . . ."
Raistlin's face had not changed expression, his eyes
continued to stare at her. But Amberyl could not continue
speaking beneath that strange, unblinking gaze.
"You chose to leave your land?" Raistlin asked. "Or
were you sent away?"
"I was sent to this land ... by the elders. There are others
here as well. . . ."
"Why? What for?"
Amberyl shook her head. Picking up a stick, she poked
at the fire, giving herself an excuse to avoid his eyes.
"But surely your elders knew that something like this
must happen if you go out into other lands," Raistlin said
bitterly. "Or have they been away THAT long?"
"You have no conception of how long we have been
away," Amberyl said softly, staring at the fire that was
flickering out despite her best efforts to keep it going. "And,
no, it should NOT have happened. Not with one who is not
of our race." Her gaze went back to Raistlin. "And now it is
my turn to ask questions. What is there about YOU that is
different from other humans? For there is something,
something besides your golden skin and eyes that see death
in the living