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. He held it by its hilt as he
prepared to lay it at the dead goblin's side.
"I wish ..." the kender whispered, then closed his eyes
to better remember the words that his parents had taught
him. He could remember only the end of the good-bye
prayers, so he said that. "I wish you peace on your journey,
and hope you will be waiting for me at the end of your
Because his eyes were closed, he did not see the sword
glow briefly as he spoke. The light faded away when he set
the sword into the goblin's hand.
The kender filled the pit halfway with dirt, then
covered it with rocks to keep out wolves and other
creatures. It was dawn the next day before he was finished.
He left the Istarian soldiers where they lay. Then he
went home.
Raindrops began falling all across the hilltop. Within
minutes, the land was awash in a cold, blinding torrent.
The Three Lives of Horgan Oxthrall
Douglas Niles
Research of Foryth Teel, scribe serving
Astinus Lorekeeper
My Most Honored Master:
Regretfully, information detailing the history of the
Khalkist dwarves during the century preceding the
Cataclysm is sparse and, for the most part, of questionable