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. Yet the piece of
evidence could not have come at a better time. Due to my
ceaseless and uncomplaining diligence, I had exhausted
every other bit of documentation in my local sources. It had
begun to seem that the tale of the Khalkist dwarves would
vanish into legend a full century before the Cataclysm, but
now - now I had HOPE! Indeed, the proof was profound
enough to draw me from the comfort of my study,
uncomplainingly, to make the strenuous pursuit of
knowledge for the library.
My journey into the heights has been arduous in the
extreme. I wish you could see, Excellency, the slopes that
yawned below me, the dizzying spires of rock poised
above, as if waiting for the moment to cast a crushing
javelin of stone onto my poor and unprotected head!
Always I kept in mind my duty, to be borne without
complaint, as you command.
But I digress. I finally reached the small, remote village
of Saas Grund, still some miles below the cheese-maker's
farm. Here, however, that worthy dairyman met me and
provided me with one of the scrolls he discovered. That
volume piqued my hunger for more, and so it is with
resolute and uncomplaining vigor that tomorrow I
accompany the man even higher into the mountains, to his
lofty abode