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. "I've got to go now," I told him. "Someone's still after me, and he
just came close."
"Animals don't count," Luke said.
"The one I just chopped up does," I answered. "It was sent."
I looked at the broken doors, wondering what might come through them
next. Fire Angels have been known to hunt in pairs.
"But I've got to talk to you . . . ," I continued.
"Not now," he said, turning away.
"You know it's important."
"I can't think right," he answered.
I supposed that had to be true, and there was no sense trying to drag
him back to Amber or anywhere else. He'd J just fade away and show up here
again. His head would have to clear and his fixation dissipate before we
could discuss mutual problems.
"You remember that your mother is a prisoner in Amber?" I asked.
"Call me when you've got your head together. We have to talk."
"I will."
"I turned away and walked out the doors and into a bank of fog. In the
distance I heard Luke begin singing again, some mournful ballad. Fog is
almost as bad as complete darkness when it comes to shadow-shifting. If you
can't see any referents while you're moving, there is no way to use the
ability, that allows you to slip away. On the other hand, I just wanted to
be alone for a time to think,
Y now my head was clear. If I couldn't see anybody in this stuff,
nobody could see me either