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. Luke and Jasra seemed to
be nullified now. Mask, an enigma of sorts; seemed to have it in for me
personally but did not appear to represent any particular threat to Amber.
Dalt, on the other hand, did, with his fancy new weaponry-but Random was
aware of this situation and Benedict was back in town. So I was confident
that everything possible was being done to deal with this.
I stood at the edge of the world and looked down into a bottomless rift
full of stars. My mountain did not seem to grace the surface of a planet.
However, there was a bridge to my left, leading outward to a dark,
star-occluding . shape-another floating mountain, perhaps. I strolled over
and stepped out onto the span. Problems involving atmosphere, gravitation,
temperature, meant nothing here, where I could, in a sense, make up reality
as I went along. I walked out onto the bridge, and for a moment the angle
was right and I caught a glimpse of another bridge on the far side of the
dark mass, leading off to some other darkness.
I halted in the middle, able to see along it for a great distance in
either direction. It seemed a safe and appropriate spot. I withdrew my
packet of Trumps and riffled through them until I located one I hadn't used
in a long, long time.
I held it before me and put the others away, studying the blue eyes and
the young, hard, slightly sharp features beneath a mass of pure white hair