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. I know that it is not
a pure . either/or situation with the middle excluded, but is rather a
statement of attitude. Still, I was suddenly willing to concede that I might
have gone to an extreme-to the point of foolhardiness-and that I had let
certain of my critical faculties doze for far too long.
So I wondered about Fiona's request.
"What makes it such a threat?" I asked her.
"It is a shadow storm in the form of a tornado," she said.
"There have been such things before," I answered. "True," she
responded, "but they tend to move through Shadow. This one does have
extension through an area of Shadow, but it is totally stationary. It first
appeared several days ago, and it has not altered in any way since then.''
"What's that come to in Amber-time?" I asked.
"Half a day, perhaps. Why?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. Just curious," I said. ``I still don't see
why it's a threat."
"I told you that such. storms had proliferated since; Corwin drew the
extra Pattern. Now they're changing in. character as well as frequency. That
Pattern has to be' understood soon."
A moment's quick reflection showed me that whoever gained control of
Dad's Pattern could become master of: some terrible forces. Or mistress.
So, "Supposing I walk it;" I said. "Then what? As I understand it from
Dad's story, I'd just wind up in the middle, the same as with the Pattern
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