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. Several times I heard voices and
I detoured to avoid the speakers. I was able to make it to my rooms without
being discovered.
The only rest I had had in what seemed an age and a half had been a
fifteen-minute nap before Luke's spaced-out sorcerous faculty had caused him
to summon me to the Looking Glass Bar via a hallucinatory Trump. When? For
all I knew, it could have been yesterday-which had been a very full day
before that incident.
I barred the door and staggered to the bed, flinging myself down upon
it without even removing my boots. Sure, there were all sorts of things I
should be doing, but I was in no condition for any of them. I'd returned
home because I still felt safest in Amber; despite the fact that Luke had
reached me here once.
Someone with a high-powered subconscious might have had a brilliantly
revelatory dream following as much crap as I'd been through recently, and
then have awakened with a wonderful series of insights and answers detailing
appropriate courses of action. I didn't. I woke once, in a small panic, not
knowing where I was. But I opened my eyes and satisfied myself on that
count, then went back to sleep. Later-much later, it seemed-I returned by
degrees, like some piece of flotsam being pushed higher and higher onto a
beach by wave following wave, until finally I was there. I saw no reason for
going any further until I realized that my feet hurt