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. Further, he has assigned the cause of good
and that of evil to the elements, one to each of the two, as we say
some of his predecessors sought to do, e.g. Empedocles and Anaxagoras.
Our review of those who have spoken about first principles and
reality and of the way in which they have spoken, has been concise and
summary; but yet we have learnt this much from them, that of those who
speak about 'principle' and 'cause' no one has mentioned any principle
except those which have been distinguished in our work on nature,
but all evidently have some inkling of them, though only vaguely.
For some speak of the first principle as matter, whether they
suppose one or more first principles, and whether they suppose this to
be a body or to be incorporeal; e.g. Plato spoke of the great and
the small, the Italians of the infinite, Empedocles of fire, earth,
water, and air, Anaxagoras of the infinity of things composed of
similar parts. These, then, have all had a notion of this kind of
cause, and so have all who speak of air or fire or water, or something
denser than fire and rarer than air; for some have said the prime
element is of this kind.
These thinkers grasped this cause only; but certain others have
mentioned the source of movement, e.g. those who make friendship and
strife, or reason, or love, a principle.
The essence, i.e. the substantial reality, no one has expressed